NPHC November Newsletter

Posted on Jan 5 2022

Hello NPHC Membership,

Here is the October in November NPHC Newsletter and packet of information in late December. I have been busy and I apologize for the delay. Please find enclosed your 2022 Officer ballot(s), 2022 NPHC Membership form, 2022 NPHC Membership Directory ad page, and this newsletter. Please immediately return your 2022 Officer Ballots, to avoid any additional delays in this year’s election. I will count them on the Monday after Christmas December 27th after the day’s mail.

The NPHC Year-end awards banquet will again be held on Sunday during the President’s Day weekend in 2022 in Carson City. Mark your calendar to save the date and plan to attend on February 20, 2022. More information will be coming and the reservation form will be out in January, 2022.

Everyone who attended the 6th Annual NPHC Trail Ride for Fun on October 9th had a great time. It was a very nice day. Thank you to everyone who contributed to a great potluck lunch. The ride should again qualify to be recognized by APHA as an Official APHA Ride with 13 horses and 29 participants. NPHC made $400 dollars on the ride, as most all of the lunch costs and prizes were donated. Plans will be in the works for the 7th Annual David Ruby Memorial ride to be held in 2022. Contact Roy or Sharon for more information. Plan now to join us in October next year.

Enclosed are NPHC ballots for 2022 NPHC Officers. Please take the time to complete your ballot and return it by December 27th. Make sure to consider the person that you think has contributed the most to NPHC in 2021 and put his or her name on the line to nominate them for the 2021 NPHC Most Appreciated Member.

All of the forms can be return mailed together. Please take the time to vote. Contact me if you have questions, concerns, or need more information. Have a great day, Roy
