June Fallon Show Updates

Posted on Jun 8 2022

Hello everyone, I first want to apologize for the issues with Carol's Facebook account. We are still trying to get it fixed, but may have to build her a new account and start from scratch. If you need to use messenger, search for my I'llbe Bock account (best option) or for my Roy Bock account and send me a friend request.

Points have been emailed. Please let me know if you see anything that needs checked or fixed.

We have updated cow information… THERE ARE COWS FOR THE JUNE SHOW, but they are not donated. We had to get cows from Tommy Lee and there is a fee that goes with that. The cows will be on the grounds starting Saturday morning and will be there through-out the show. The cattle charge for this weekend will be increased to $15 per run. We apologize, but we have to deal with the circumstances at hand.

Also, we are reviewing the bills from May, as the cow charges were not put on all of the bills. I think that I have that issue fixed, but some people will have additional charges from May to catch up their billing.

It's going to be hot this weekend and the wind is forecast to blow in the afternoon. Please stay hydrated. See you at the show, Roy & Carol
