NPHC Newsletter & Information

Posted on Nov 26 2022

Hello NPHC Membership,

Here is the October in November NPHC Newsletter and packet of information in late December. I have been really busy, have some medical issues, and I apologize for the delay. Please find enclosed your 2023 Officer ballot(s), 2023 NPHC Membership form, 2023 NPHC 50th Anniversary Membership Directory ad page, and this newsletter.

Please try to immediately return your 2023 Officer Ballots, to avoid any additional delays in this year’s election. I will count them on or around Saturday December 17th after that day’s mail.

The NPHC Year-end awards banquet will again be held on Sunday during the President’s Day weekend in 2023 in Carson City. Mark your calendar to save the date and plan to attend on February 19, 2023. There is a very small block of rooms, so if you are planning to stay, please reserve your room early. More information will be coming and the reservation form will be out in January, 2022.

NPHC’s 2023 shows will all have four (4) judges and be held in Fallon on May 13 & 14, June 3 & 4, and ENPHC in Fallon September 9 & 10. All three shows count toward 2023 NPHC Year-end awards.

Plan now to join us in late September or early October of next year for the NPHC’s 8th Annual David Ruby Memorial ride to be held in 2023. The NPHC’s 7th Annual David Ruby Memorial ride for 2022 was cancelled for reasons beyond everyone’s control. Contact Roy or Sharon for more information.

Enclosed are NPHC ballots for 2022 NPHC Officers. Please take the time to complete your ballot and return it by December 17th. Make sure to consider the person that you think has contributed the most to NPHC in 2022 and put his or her name on the line to nominate them for the 2022 NPHC Most Appreciated Member.

REMEMBER that 2023 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Nevada Paint Horse Club’s founding and recognition by APHA in 1973. Watch for great and fun things coming in 2023. We start of by offering special pricing for the 50th Anniversary Directory. This has two sides to it. It makes it cheaper to put an ad into the directory, but it also means that we need to sell twice as many as normal to cover printing costs.

All of the forms can be return mailed together. Please take the time to vote. Contact me if you have questions, concerns, or need more information.

Have a great day, Roy
