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Here is the reservation form for the 2025 NPHC AWARDS BANQUET form (FOR 2024 AWARDS) to be held on SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2025 at the Fallon Golf Course, 2655 Country Club Dr., Fallon, NV 89406

Remember Officers of NPHC must be a current member of APHA Jan 29

Remember: Officers of NPHC must be a current member of APHA (per APHA requirements) I will be filling annual paperwork shortly after the awards banquet and it needs to be on file. Thanks… Sharon

NPHC Awards Banquet Dec 15

NPHC awards banquet set for Sunday February 18th. Awards are all ordered. Have a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas. See ya there

NPHC’s 8th Annual David Ruby Memorial Trail Ride Oct 4

The NPHC’s 8th Annual David Ruby Memorial Trail Ride is coming up on Saturday October 7th. We have heard from several families, some are firm and some are still working on it. Remember to get your head count, hotdog or hamburger count, horse count, and side dish posted below or on one of the postings by Thursday.

We're close to making the minimum number to be recognized by APHA, so get your reservation in soon.

Edit: The ride will be at Washoe Lake State Park at the Equestrian Center. Shirley Ruby has booked the park from 8am - 2pm. I would imagine that you should plan to arrive and be ready to ride around 9am. Remember to stop at the park entrance and pay the day fee.

It’s time for the NPHC’s 8th Annual David Ruby Memorial Trail Ride.

Make plans to join us on October 7th for the NPHC’s 8th Annual David Ruby Memorial Trail Ride.

Trail ride reservations are $10 dollars per person for both riders and non-riders. Your $10 dollars is for the ride, lunch, and one (1) poker hand.

Hamburgers and Hotdogs, soda, and water will be provided by the NPHC, Sharon, and Roy. The sides will be potluck, so everyone bring their favorite side dishes. In an effort to not have a lot of just one thing, please let Roy know what you are bringing or post below what you plan to bring, so others know. Plan to come enjoy the day with us.

Instead of a reservation form, post below who’s coming or at least a count of heads, how many want Hamburgers or hotdogs, who is bringing their horse, and what side dish you plan to bring. An accurate count ensures that everyone will get to eat.

Trail Ride Poker Hands will be featured again this year. We are looking at 6-8 prizes for winning hands. Your first hand will come with your $10 dollars for the ride and lunch. Extra hands will be available for purchase at $5 dollars each.

Remember to RSVP with Roy with how many are in your party, how many hotdogs and/or hamburgers we need for your group, and what your potluck dish will be.

If you think that still need a meeting for year-end awards, you can sign in at the trail ride. We hope to see you at Washoe Lake State Park for the trail ride. Don’t forget to pay your park Day fee at the gate when you arrive; The Park Rangers will ticket any vehicle that has not paid.

Corrected 2023 NPHC & ENPHC class lists Apr 25

Hi Everybody, I have attached the 2023 Version 3 corrected May & June NPHC & September ENPHC class lists. The corrections are to the Ranch Conformation class numbers. They duplicated the Ranch Trail class numbers and had to be corrected. Nothing else should have changed, Roy

NPHC Awards Banquet Jan 5

The 2023 NPHC Awards Banquet will take place on February 19 2023 at GOLD DUST WEST 2171 E. Williams St. Carson City, Nevada. Download the form.

NPHC 2023 Officers/Directors - 2022 Most Appreciated Member Jan 5

2023 Nevada Paint Horse Club Officers/Directors

President: Kelly Waugh

Vice President: Theresa Spinuzzi

Treasurer: Sharon Avery

Secretary: Roy Bock

Board of Directors

Jessicca Westlake (12/2023)

Carolyn Greene (12/2023)

Amber Spinuzzi (12/2024)

Joanna Latham (12/2024)

2022 NPHC Most Appreciated Member nominations are:

Anna Bock

Shirley Ruby

Sharon Avery

Carolyn Greene

Joanna & Justin Latham

the Bock Family

NPHC Newsletter & Information Nov 26

Hello NPHC Membership,

Here is the October in November NPHC Newsletter and packet of information in late December. I have been really busy, have some medical issues, and I apologize for the delay. Please find enclosed your 2023 Officer ballot(s), 2023 NPHC Membership form, 2023 NPHC 50th Anniversary Membership Directory ad page, and this newsletter.

Please try to immediately return your 2023 Officer Ballots, to avoid any additional delays in this year’s election. I will count them on or around Saturday December 17th after that day’s mail.

The NPHC Year-end awards banquet will again be held on Sunday during the President’s Day weekend in 2023 in Carson City. Mark your calendar to save the date and plan to attend on February 19, 2023. There is a very small block of rooms, so if you are planning to stay, please reserve your room early. More information will be coming and the reservation form will be out in January, 2022.

NPHC’s 2023 shows will all have four (4) judges and be held in Fallon on May 13 & 14, June 3 & 4, and ENPHC in Fallon September 9 & 10. All three shows count toward 2023 NPHC Year-end awards.

Plan now to join us in late September or early October of next year for the NPHC’s 8th Annual David Ruby Memorial ride to be held in 2023. The NPHC’s 7th Annual David Ruby Memorial ride for 2022 was cancelled for reasons beyond everyone’s control. Contact Roy or Sharon for more information.

Enclosed are NPHC ballots for 2022 NPHC Officers. Please take the time to complete your ballot and return it by December 17th. Make sure to consider the person that you think has contributed the most to NPHC in 2022 and put his or her name on the line to nominate them for the 2022 NPHC Most Appreciated Member.

REMEMBER that 2023 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Nevada Paint Horse Club’s founding and recognition by APHA in 1973. Watch for great and fun things coming in 2023. We start of by offering special pricing for the 50th Anniversary Directory. This has two sides to it. It makes it cheaper to put an ad into the directory, but it also means that we need to sell twice as many as normal to cover printing costs.

All of the forms can be return mailed together. Please take the time to vote. Contact me if you have questions, concerns, or need more information.

Have a great day, Roy

June Fallon Show Updates Jun 8

Hello everyone, I first want to apologize for the issues with Carol's Facebook account. We are still trying to get it fixed, but may have to build her a new account and start from scratch. If you need to use messenger, search for my I'llbe Bock account (best option) or for my Roy Bock account and send me a friend request.

Points have been emailed. Please let me know if you see anything that needs checked or fixed.

We have updated cow information… THERE ARE COWS FOR THE JUNE SHOW, but they are not donated. We had to get cows from Tommy Lee and there is a fee that goes with that. The cows will be on the grounds starting Saturday morning and will be there through-out the show. The cattle charge for this weekend will be increased to $15 per run. We apologize, but we have to deal with the circumstances at hand.

Also, we are reviewing the bills from May, as the cow charges were not put on all of the bills. I think that I have that issue fixed, but some people will have additional charges from May to catch up their billing.

It's going to be hot this weekend and the wind is forecast to blow in the afternoon. Please stay hydrated. See you at the show, Roy & Carol

UPDATED 2022 NPHC class list May 9

Hello everyone, Here is the UPDATED 2022 NPHC class list as of this morning. The two (2) class changes are to classes 456 & 457. It shouldn't be an issue for any of the entries that I have already received. If you have any questions, concerns, need something that you do not have, or wish to be removed from this email list, please contact me, Roy

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