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NPHC's 4th Annual Trail Ride Apr 22

The Nevada Paint Horse Club's 4th Annual Trail Ride for Fun flyer is available for download. Also visit our trail ride page for more info.

NPHC Annual Trail Ride

2019 NPHC Membership Directory cover Mar 13

Our remembrance of Carol Brown who is missed daily by a vast many people. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be for & with her entire family.

NPHC Directory Cover

NPHC Directory Cover

Thank you to all of our Sponsors and Supporters Feb 15

Thank you to all of our Sponsors and Supporters. We couldn't do everything we do without you. I apologize to anyone I missed.

Sponsors and Supporters

NPHC Banquet Reminders Feb 15

Please bring raffle items for our youth fundraiser raffle table.

Sharon needs to provide a dinner count tomorrow, Wednesday February 13th. Please get those last minute reservations in to Sharon ASAP.

and a Dinner ticket is required to attend the Awards Banquet. Not only does a preliminary count need to go in for food, but the head count at the tables is what the facility uses to charge us for meals. There will be dinner tickets to pick up from one of the Bocks. They will have membership forms, 2019 awards rules, Directory advertiser packets, raffle tickets and more available at the door. – Sharon Lee

2019 Awards Banquet Jan 14

Here's the form for the 2019 NPHC Awards Banquet to be held in Carson City Nevada on February 17.

Download Form

2019 Show dates. Mark your calendars Oct 10

Mark your calendars. NPHC Show dates for 2019 June 15-16: 4 judges NPHC Carol Brown/Lynn Titlow Memorial POR August 3-4: 4 judges NPHC Sharon Bates/Sheila Plimpton Memorial POR September 7- 8:4 judges in Fallon ENPHC Ken Winder Memorial POR

June has already been submitted to APHA and August & September will follow in the next couple of days. We have reserved the multi-purpose room for the appreciation dinner in August. Please remember that it is not always easy to get dates that work for EVERYONE, but this is as good as it is going to get… All of the above dates are confirmed and in the books. Please plan to join us in 2019.

More information, Updated Paperwork, and 2019 will be coming soon.

Horse Talk Seminar: Save the date Oct 10

Save the date – January 18-20, 2019 for Let’s Talk… A New Perspective! The Snake River Paint Horse Club and the American Paint Horse Club Horse IQ™ present:

APHA C3 Clinicians Certification: Become an APHA Certified Clinician “Scribe Talk”: Sit on the other side and Scribe! “Show Talk”: Rulebook to Ribbons-Understanding the Rules “APHA Talk”: APHA Hot Topics—An open forum!! Bridging the gap between APHA and members “Ranch Talk”: Let’s Get Real About Ranch – Learn about the various rules and nuances with ranch classes

Presenters are: Billy Smith – APHA Executive Director David Dellin – APHA Director of Judges Chris Jeter – Multi-carded judge

Join us between Friday & Sunday for an exciting educational experience designed with you in mind!

For Hotel Reservations at the Silver Legacy Hotel and Casino, Reno Nevada.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2019 SRPHC Seminar. Please see the attached flyers or the SRPHC Facebook page for more information. If you have trouble with any file, have questions, need more information, desire to be removed from the email, or just need or want to talk, please feel free to contact me, Roy

Schedule and Application Forms:

SRPHC 2019 itinerary 10072018 SRPHC seminar sign up sheet 2019 10072018

SRPHC seminar sign up sheet 2019 10072018

2019 SRPHC Membership application

Updated 2018 NPHC year-end points v4 for September Oct 10

Hi Everybody, the updated 2018 NPHC Year-end Points standings through the September show are here. There are a lot of changes. As always, please write me if you see a problem, want something checked, or anything explained.

The Footnote Rules and a couple of other things Jun 16

Hi everyone. Here are the rules that were all of that fine print at the bottom of the Class list. As I said earlier, I plan to include it with the first class list of the year that will be handed out to everyone when they check in next week. I have included the 2018 NPHC Year-end Awards rules for you as well.

Also, Sharon would like to make sure that everyone understands that the Exhibitor Appreciation dinner will be held in August again this year and will stay there in the future.

As of now there will not be a potluck dinner during the NPHC meeting on Saturday unless someone wants to jump in and organize one.

We are still in search of a sponsor for the High Point Ranch Horse award for 2018. I think it is still a $125 dollar sponsorship, but you can double-check that with Sharon.

If you would like to be removed from our email list, have any questions or concerns, or need something that I have forgotten, please feel free to write me. See you at the show, Roy
